What needs to be done next?
Five ways to connect with your children by John Sharry

Having a warm connected relationship with your children is definitely one of the most enjoyable aspects of parenting. Doing fun activities together, sharing experiences and having good conversations all make for creating deeply satisfying relationships between parents and children.  Such connected relationships have enormous benefits for children, in terms of building their self-esteem and confidence […]

Mother and Daughter Outside
The Early Years – Talking about Feelings

The importance of Talking about Feelings in the Early Years Helping children understand their own feelings and those of others is key to helping them grow up as happy and connected individuals. However, it can be challenging to talk about feelings to very young children who may not yet have the developed the language to understand […]

primary school IT class teacher
Getting children back into the school routine after Covid-19

The Power of Good Routines On any normal year, the start back to school after the summer holidays is a major readjustment for families. Now in the era of Covid-19, returning to school brings extra challenges and stresses for parents and children.   Having endured a long six month absence children are more out of a […]

New Parents Plus Website

We have created a new website which we hope will more user-friendly for our facilitators and visitors. There may be some teething problems and tweaks needed as it gets bedded down. Do give us feedback if you spot anything that needs to be changed – thanks