Free Supervision Offer for Trained Facilitators in the Parents Plus Programmes

We are always delighted to keep in touch with facilitators and hear about how the groups are going, the things that are working well and any of the challenges. We would like to support you in continuing to run good quality groups for parents and young people attending your service. Over the next period (until […]

Parents Plus in School Settings – 27/09/2018

Running Parents Plus in Schools – Advanced Practice Workshop- Thursday 27th September, 9:00am-1:30pm, Lucan Spa Hotel Co Dublin The Parents Plus and Working Things Out are evidence based programmes that are successfully delivered in primary and secondary school as a means of: Supporting children’s mental health Engaging parents and families Promoting positive communication in families Resolving […]

Parents Plus in Disability Settings – 11/06/2018

Workshop – Monday 11th June 9:00am-1:30pm, Lucan Spa Hotel Co Dublin Providing parenting groups is an important part of service delivery within disability settings.  Such groups can provide parents with group support as well as access to specialist interventions. This advanced practice workshop brings together Parents Plus Facilitators working in disability settings both within early […]

Parents Plus Accredited Facilitators Advanced Practice Workshop

Parents Plus are inviting PP Accredited Facilitators to a FREE Advanced Practice Workshop in 2018 to cater specifically for more experienced facilitators. One of the goals of Parents Plus is to have more communication and engagement with accredited facilitators so that their ideas and feedback can help shape the work of Parents Plus. When is […]

Book now – Group Supervision Training Coming Up

  [coreblock name=”programme” prog_id=”303″]   Group supervision training sessions are a great opportunity for you to meet with your colleagues, reflect on your experiences of running Parents Plus groups thus far, and access support to improve your practice. The goals of the workshops are to: Support facilitators to get PP groups up and running in […]

Promoting your Parents Plus Programmes

A key challenge in running a Parents Plus Programme is getting enough parents to attend. You may have an excellent group ready to run, but your parents simply don’t know about it. Below are some tips for trained facilitators on how to spread the word about the Parents Plus Programmes in your service and getting […]

Parents Plus Official Launch and Information Seminar March 2017

It was great to see so many new and old faces at the Parents Plus Official Launch and Information Seminar on Thursday, 9th March 2017 in the Ashling Hotel in Dublin. This launch marked the official development of our updated programme materials (the manuals and parent booklets). And the information seminar gave practitioners and managers […]

Booking Open for PP Programme Training for Professionals 2018

You can book online below for the 2018 programme trainings for all five of the Parents Plus Programmes. Parents Plus Adolescents Programme Training for Facilitators [coreblock name=”programme” prog_id=”299″] Parents Plus Children’s Programme Training for Facilitators [coreblock name=”programme” prog_id=”297″] Parents Plus Early Years Programme Training for Facilitators [coreblock name=”programme” prog_id=”293″] Parents Plus Parenting When Separated Programme Training for Facilitators […]