Parents Plus FAQ: Answering Your Most Common Queries

Welcome to our Parents Plus community! With an influx of new followers and enthusiastic participants, we’ve noticed an increase in queries and curiosities about our programmes and supports. To ensure that everyone feels well-informed, connected to our mission and understands how we can support their service delivery we’ve decided to compile a FAQ list, addressing […]

Develop Your Skills and Improve Outcomes for Children and Families: Parents Plus Programme Training for Professionals, Autumn Calendar

Do you want to develop your professional skills and improve outcomes for children, adolescents, and families?  Look no further than the Parents Plus suite of trainings, offered this coming autumn. From the early years to adult, and also supporting complex needs, each programme will equip you with the evidence based skills, practical strategies, and ongoing […]

Unlocking CPD Benefits With Parents Plus

In today’s fast-evolving healthcare landscape, continuous professional development (CPD) remains the cornerstone for healthcare professionals eager to keep their knowledge updated, and services impactful. Parents Plus, cognizant of the pivotal role CPD plays, is delighted to offer a FREE online seminar, Improving Outcomes for Children with ADHD by Empowering Parents. In this update we will […]

Image of Ciara from parents plus holding a copy of the Special needs programme. A professional parenting programme for parents of a child with addition educational needs.
Supporting Parents to Manage Challenges: The Special Needs Programme

The Parents Plus Special Needs Programme is a first-in-the-world programme for families rearing an adolescent with an intellectual disability and was created to help parents to manage challenges, improve their family’s well-being and strengthen their links with other parents.  Through training in the Special Needs Programme, professionals working with families and children will learn how […]

2022: A Year of Impact

2022 was a year of significant growth and development for Parents Plus with the charity focusing on increasing the impact of our work in Ireland, the UK and internationally, guided by the new Parents Plus Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025. Eight strategic goals have been developed, setting out the high-level aims which underpin our vision […]

New Research Confirms Positive Impact of Parents Plus Programme on Special Needs Children with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families

Parents Plus, a leading provider of evidence-based parenting programmes for services, has released new research showing the positive impact of their Special Needs Programme on children with special needs and their families. The research, conducted by Dr Suzanne McMahon and colleagues at the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, and published in the Journal of […]

Are You Passionate About Building Strong and Resilient Children?

Building Resilient Families and Children: Empower Yourself and Your Service with the Parents Plus Children’s Programme. Enhance your ability to support families with the evidence-based Parents Plus Children’s Programme Training.The Parents Plus Children’s Programme Training is an evidence-based parenting programme designed to support parents in the effective management of their child’s behaviour and emotional well-being. […]

Rates of anxiety and depression among young people are at unprecedented levels, but there is hope.

The Working Things Out Programme offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training for professionals to equip young people with coping skills, helpful thinking strategies, improved conflict resolution and communication skills, and reduced stress levels. This evidence-based programme builds on young people’s strengths and positive relationships with their families, peers, schools, and communities. The programme can be […]